Sunday, May 22, 2011


This is a series of four paintings I did for my 2d design final. The paintings are gouache on tea-stained paper. I was thinking about mystery and girls and summer camp and lakes and docks and swimming caps and being lonely or just feeling alone sometimes.


A little background: Eva is my grandmother on my mother's side who died when my mother was seventeen. Obviously I never knew her, so for this project I decided to write her a little letter in a book.
I hand-set the type in one of those little stamps (the kind they have at the library) It required tweezers and a lot of patience. The patterns on the pages in between were made by enlarging a drawing like 200% on the copy machine and then layering them on top of each other and transferring them on to tracing paper with citra-solv.

lists (2008-2009)

here is a wood veneer box of lists I made in various small moleskines from 2008-2009.
I am so pleased with the way this project turned out! I love the little sections.


for this project we had to deconstruct a book somehow - I chose an old book from powell's that was about california. I suppose I was feeling pretty homesick at the time. I cut out all of the California's and San Francisco's and put them in a lil jar.
detail on the california jar

white flowers

white flowers project - two different books using the same text: white flowers by mary oliver. I used beeswax and dried flowers, fancy papers, book board, citra-solv transfers.
The first book is a magic wallet book.
The second book is a very very long accordion book. I like the second book more I think. It has the right delicate and fragile quality I was after.


A book I made at OCAC last semester. Going with those Maya Lin vibes. I soaked construction paper in olive oil to make it translucent - however, it also made the whole book smell like shit later, so - lesson learned. Still, pretty content with the way it turned out.